Which disciplines should Muslims choose and pursue?

Naṣāʾiḥ of Ibn Muneer - 0001

Q: Fulan, Famagusta TRNC, As Salaamu Alaikum Mufti. What other disciplines should a Muslim be part of, if memorizing and studying is not one of their strong points? Can you be like Khalid bin Waleed today?

A: وَعَلَيْكُمُ السَّلَامُ وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ. There’re two levels that we have in Islam, brothers and sisters. The first level is the obligatory level. That which every single Muslim must achieve. An obligatory level of knowledge. Man, woman, child, scholar, black, white, it doesn’t matter. Everybody has to know this basic amount of Islam. And anything besides that, is a means of virtue. It’s extra. And it is only gonna help you out and make you better and make those who are around you better. Knowledge never brings nothing but light, بِإِذْنِ اللَّه تَعَالَىٰ. It’s gonna bring more light, more نُور. But you don’t have to seek it. So as long as you know the basics of Islam, the fundamentals of your belief, of purification, of prayer, or any deed, or any act that you’re performing, you have a wife, you wanna get married, you wanna have a business, now you have to learn a bit more about the do’s and don’ts of that business. And if that isn’t the case, then its not obligatory for you to learn anything extra than the basics. And if you wanna focus on, fighting in Allah’s cause, you wanna be like Khalid ibn Waleed, a fierce warrior, حَـمْـدُ للهِ. You wanna spend your wealth, you’re a moneyman, you like money, you deal with money, you’re good with money, and you help people out, you help the Muslims out with your money? ٱلْـحَـمْـدُ للهِ‎ You have a third, a brother, he’s not necessarily a fighter, let’s say for example, a hypothetical example, he’s a real big brother, but he’s not tough. A gentle giant. But he’s really big. Huge big brother. He helps out with security. There lies no doubt, the sheer presence of this brother is gonna help the Muslims out. Because someone who wishes to do something or wishes to say something, he’s gonna think twice when he sees the size of that guy even though he’s not even tough. A brother is good with culinary arts, وهكذا. Whatever you do, accounting, whatever you do, and that’s your specialty of life, the discipline that you are fond of, and good at, then you should stay in that lane and help out the Muslims. Because it’s not just all about knowledge, nor it’s just about Jihad, nor it’s just all about money. Rather, Islam can only win as a team. Everyone has their position and their role. Some can play 2 or 3 roles. Most of us cannot. So when you learn your position, stick to it and master it. And it doesn’t have to be the most flashy position. Everyone doesn’t have to be a great scholar of Islam, as long as you know the basics, but do not look down upon knowledge, and do not scorn knowledge. As many of the pious predecessors, they would say, " اغْدُ عَالِمًا أَوْ مُتَعَلِّمًا ", be a learner or teacher, and don’t be a third, and don’t hate those who have knowledge. And Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَىٰ knows best. (the speaker then sends blessings and salaam upon the Prophet, in Arabic)

Note: This advice of "Mufti" "Abu Ramlah" Muhammad Ibn Muneer Abdul-Hameed was transcribed from hadithdisciple live - Q&A 05-21-2018 - YouTube (4:13) (alternative link)
Video streamed live on May 21, 2018

‏اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ‎

جزاك اللهُ خيرًا

مَا شَاءَ اللَّهُ لَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِاللَّه

بارك الله فيك

اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ

تقبل الله منا ومنكم


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